November 14, 2023, 6:30 p.m.
1. Chair, Sue B calls the meeting to order. Unity Declaration: This we owe to AA’s future, to place
our common welfare first. to keep our fellowship united. For on AA Unity depend our lives and
the lives of those to come.
2. Secretary calls the roll.
3. Secretary reads the minutes of the September District 4 meeting. See attached for a copy of
the minutes.
4. DCM report: See attached.
5. Alt-DCM report:
6. Treasurer Report:
7. Accessibility report:
8. Archives Committee report:
9. CPC Report
10. PIC Report:
11. Webchair Report:
12. Old Business:
A. Day of Sharing/Chili Cookoff
13. New Business:
A. District 4 Panel 74 – Elections – DCM, Alt-DCM,
B. Treasurer – Steve G has agreed to stand for Treasurer
14. Close Meeting. Responsibility Declaration: I am responsible. Whenever anyone, anywhere
reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that I am Responsible.