District 4 January 2024 Meeting Minutes

DCM calls the meeting to order:

Unity Declaration: This we owe to AA’s future, to place our common welfare first. to
keep our fellowship united. For on AA Unity depend our lives and the lives of those to

Secretary calls the roll. Katie, Genie, Ann, David, Tom C, Jill, Mary Jo, Sue B, Marty & Nancy.
Secretary reads the minutes of the last meeting. Click here:
Motion to wave- Nancy, Ann 2nd

Chair report:
Unfortunately, I missed the December DCMC meeting due to COVID so I’m unable to
report on that meeting. The next meeting is January 17.
Discussion of the GSA, held 1/6/24- Great Event! Report that was shared was “A Vision From
You” from ADHOC committee after surveys and the Area’s inventory. Genie is also on the Web
Committee now and will report back anything she learns.

Alt Chair report: No Alt.

Treasurer report: Stephen was unable to attend tonight. Genie read the report (attached). The
Newsletter is available on the website, paper copies are also available. We will discuss how to

Accessibility report: Jill is chair for our District and Ann is participating. The committee has not
met yet. Next meeting is 1/15/24, 3rd Monday at 6 PM. The area website has the events
calendar which also has this information and for other committee’s.
Archives report: No report.

CPC report: Ann- PIC & CPC are joining at the Area level. The 1st meeting is this month and
the 4th Thursday at 7 PM monthly. Matt and Liz will be heading this. We are unsure if the Area
has approved this (Mary Jo and Sue B commented/questioned this).
PIC report: See above

Literature Distribution report:
Discuss expanding beyond places of worship- where would be the next logical
place(s) within our “backyard” to distribute literature. Katie- No new report, except what is on the
tracker from December. Will continue efforts and update the tracker on the District 4 website.
Webchair report: Genie- made some updates to the District 4 Website (adding the meeting
agenda, editing etc.) Men who Trudge has their own website so Genie added it to the site.
(Report attached.)

Old Business:
Still seeking candidates for the following positions: Alternate DCM- No one stood for this; CPC
chair- May be combining with PIC; Archive chair- No one stood for this.
Any takers?

Steven has recruited candidate(s) for Webchair. Vote on new committee chairs. Tom C stood for
this, Marty W teaches so it’s hard to make evening meetings but can assist Tom as needed.
Text and email Tom so that he can post timely. They will work together on this. Motion to have
Tom C (716-472-2857 & email: tom.cholewa195@gmail.com) as webchair and Marty W
(314-691-9347) as back up: All in favor? Jill first and Mary Jo 2nd, None against. Genei- There
is a specific email for District 4, add meeting agendas, minutes, upcoming information,
announcements as needed. There is no set schedule.
Are there any new GSRs/ Alt GSRs coming aboard (and who’s staying)? Contact info- David
GSR for How It Works, Mary Jo GSR for Renaissance.

New Business:
Discuss survey results and vote on future meeting schedule/venue:

● Most in favor of staying Virtual- would we be willing to consider Hybrid so that people
have an option to come in person and virtual (concerns with tech etc.).- Motion to meet
Hybrid once a site is found- discussion (Nancy will support in finding a venue) (Sue B
said to try Deerhurst) (Tom C said he will likely do Zoom, also Deerhurst never had
connectivity issues) (Genie- we may need to discuss Financials) (Jill concerns with
internet connections and things are clear so that people can be heard etc.) (Mary Jo they
have a meeting at 5:30 on Tuesdays on Deerhurst) (Ann we used to meet there, it’s $25
and she has keys already, Ann will look into this and report back) Table the Motion- Be
Hybrid by 3/1 to vote in February once we hear what the church is ok with.

● Most in favor of staying on 2nd Tuesday Nights at 7 PM- Motion to vote on the 2nd
Tuesday at 7 PM, Nancy motioned, 2nd Ann. All in favor- yes, none opposed.
Discuss newsletter distribution: Genie- Different Churches- Deer Hurst, Faith United
Presbyterian, Nativity etc. Genie is visiting as many meetings as she can. Can anyone volunteer
to drop off newsletters where they meet in District 4? Just need to grab them. Sue B, Mary Jo,
Ann and Katie offered to distribute some. Tom C will update the website for Easy Does It only
meeting on Saturdays (No more Wednesdays). Genie- Text is best (716-622–6605).
Discuss NERAASA attendance: May Jo is going for sure as is Nancy. Go to Home group,
District and then the Area for reimbursement (on the website). Sue B- Finance Chair (2024
budget was passed in the last panel. 2025-2026 budget needs to be done by this panel. There
is no money allotted for GSRs)

Discuss hosting a future GSA: Motion to host on our own or with another District- Motion by
Mary Jo, 2nd by Nancy. All in favor, no opposed. Sue B- (Next GSAs April 6th (pre-conference)
and June 1st (post-conference).) Nancy- (Offered to chair the June GSA.) Mary Jo agrees with
June. Genie will bring it up to Amy. Nancy will chair, Mary Jo will help with this committee
planning, along with Ann and Sue B.

Discuss plan going forward:
Genie- I plan to visit all existing district meetings, hopefully attend business meeting
and extend welcome to check out D4 biz mtg- Hopefully we can continue to increase our

Review “dead spots”- areas and times there are no D4 meetings, discuss the
possibility of “meeting planting”- District 5 needs support, they may be interested in partnering
with us. There are days and times where there are no meetings.
Any other new business ideas from the group?

-Daily Reflections is hosting a Game Night. 2/2/24 7pm- 9pm at Faith United on Homewood &
Elmwood, Free game night, bring a game or a snack. Also on the website.

  • Genie will email the login credentials to Tom C.
  • Nancy wanted to thank Sue for the last 2 years and thank Genie for taking it on. Sue B and
    Genie thanked everyone for their service.
  • Jill wants a copy of the Newsletter sent to her. Genie said yes.

Close meeting:
Responsibility Declaration: I am responsible. Whenever anyone, anywhere reaches out for
help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that I am Responsible.