November 14, 2023, 6:30 p.m.
Chair, Sue B called the meeting to order with the Unity Declaration at 6:30 pm. Present were: Sue B, Andrew P, Ann J, Genie E, Jill, John H, Katie L, Mary Jo, Nancy, Pat S, Stephen G and Amy H.
Genie moved to waive a reading of the October minutes, seconded by Mary Jo.
DCM report: Sue B.
1. The final GSR Coffee Hour of Panel 72 was held on Nov 6. Many thanks to Amy H for chairing
these informative and helpful Coffee Hours.
2. Battle of the Bowls!!! – District 4 Chili Cook Off and Day of Sharing was held October 21 st .
11 groups in District 4 entered Chili’s in our first annual Chili Cook Off and Day of Sharing. More
than 100 members of AA attended the event. How It Works took 3 rd place, Renaissance was 2 nd
and Life Ahead made the favorite Chili taking 1 st place. Dan M a local comedian and a member
of Lighten Up entertained us with a great routine. The GSR Panel was informative and
3. The Area Ad Hoc Inventory Committee is meeting virtually on November 22, December 6 and
December 20. Meeting ID – 812 0138 1467, Passcode 925034. If you want to provide input, you
can attend the Committee meetings or contact the Committee Chair Brian B at
4. The Reimbursement Policy is finalized. Please keep your copy in your group records for
reference during Panel 74. Remind your groups that part of the prudent reserve should include
the cost of sending the GSR to NERAASA in February and the NYSIW workshop in July.
5. District 4 elections for Panel 74 will be held at our November 14 meeting.
In love of service,
Sue B
District 4, DCM
Alt-DCM report: n/a
Treasurer Report: Stephen G.
*See attached
PIC Report: Ann J
Currently, there are two buses running in the City of Buffalo having public service announcements
posted on their rear panels. These will be running through December 25 th . Recently, a networking
opportunity hosted by Buffalo Rising has come about where representatives from over a dozen mental
health, addiction, and crisis prevention agencies from Western New York were present. I had the
opportunity to speak with several of them. One request was from Clubhouse Buffalo, a youth support
organization, which hasn’t gotten back to me as yet to schedule an engagement with their students.
Another request was from Family Support Services, a division of New York State’s Community Health
Access to Addiction & Mental Health. These support specialists man WNY’s school districts who have asked us to present about our program and what resources we might have available to share. I plan to personally appear at this hybrid meeting on December 6 th at North Tonawanda Sr. HS to inform this
group about our Fellowship along with distributing pamphlets and literature for their distribution to
their schools. I am hopeful that this will be an important stepping stone in increasing our awareness of
AA in high schools and grammar schools, something we’ve been trying to strengthen since last year.
I am grateful to have served as the Chair of Area 50’s and District 4’s Public Information Committee.
Although I will be stepping down as the Area 50 Chair for the upcoming Panel, I will remain on board
with District 4 in this capacity for another term. I look forward to working with our new Area 50 PIC
Chair and serving as a member of her Committee. Thank you again. Yours in Service, Ann
Web Chair Report: Genie E.
I added the October meeting minutes, a story about the chili cookoff and results and the November
agenda to the site. We also got a comment on the original chili cookoff story, which I approved and is
now posted. On the back end of things, I updated/installed some WordPress Plugins to improve
functionality. I checked my old emails, and unless I missed something (which is possible) I don’t believe I received a digital copy of the second D4 Newsletter, so there was nothing for me to update. If someone can send it, I’ll add it to the site, as I remember Mike was asking about it and perhaps others are looking for it,
also? Respectfully submitted, Genie E
Old Business:
Day of Sharing/Chili Cookoff-see DCM report
New Business:
District 4 Panel 74 – Elections – The following members were elected with no contest:
DCM – Genie E
Alt. DCM – vacant
Secretary – Katie L.
Treasurer – Stephen G.
Ann J has agreed to remain on the PIC Area Committee and will report to the district regarding PI
activities. Jill K stepped up and will represent District 4 on the Accessibility Committee. Andrew has agreed to continue contacting places of worship.
The meeting was closed with the Responsibility Declaration at 7:42.
Respectfully submitted by Amy Hardick, D4 secretary.