District 4 – Virtual District Meeting May 9, 2023 6:30 p.m.
Mtg. ID: 863 7353 3658
Password: 230403
Chair, Sue B calls the meeting to order with the Unity Declaration at 6:34.
Secretary calls the role. Present are Sue B., Genie, Kim S., Nancy, Stephen, Jill K., David N., Katie, Cathy, Ann and Amy.
Genie made a motion, seconded by Nancy, to waive the reading of the minutes of the April District 4 meeting.
- DCM report: Sue B.
- A Newsletter Template has been created. See attachment. Published 3 or 4 times per year. Appoint one Committee Member to Create the Newsletter. Committee member can get support from his or her home group to help encourage participation in General Service. Stephen volunteered to help out.
- Thank you to all GSRs who participated with their home group to complete the Delegate’s questionnaire.
- Our Delegate, Denise M, will attend our July meeting to address any questions or concerns about the Conference and what is going on in NY.
- Next GSR Coffee hour is June 5. All GSRs, Alt GSR’s or home group members interested in General Service are encouraged to attend.
- District 4 Day of Sharing – Panel on Service Positions in General Service.
- Picnic for groups in District – September.
- Chili Cook Off – invite each group to submit a homemade chili. Possibly combine the Day of Sharing with the Chili Cook off or the Picnic.
- Treasurer Report: Nancy
- Treasury Balance $1859.42.
- Reimbursements for NERAASA have been made and received from Area.
- Motion to open a KeyBank Account. (attached) Stephen as alt. treasurer will be a signer on the account.
- Discussed using excess funds to seed D1 or D3 to host Area Assembly
- Accessibility report: NONE
- Archives Committee report: Joe V.
- April 29, Archives Breakfast as VFW post was well attended. 290 tickets sold. It was a very nice gathering to come together in community and celebrate. It was a lot of work some on which needed on day of event. Many from the community helped with coffee and cleanup on the day of the event. We could Not do it w out generous support of these members. We are very grateful for widespread support all attending breakfast and grateful to God for our sobriety. God will operate when we cooperate.
- Archives looking forward to attending picnics – anniversaries – events over the course of summer. If your group is hosting an event we are happy to attend. We need a 2-week’ notice.
- We are always looking for new member to join our committee.
- CPC Report: Dave N.
- We are making strides to meet with horizons and best self through Michaels efforts.
- We just presented to the Niagara Frontier district Methodist quarterly meeting of pastors last week 40 pastors in our area. There will be a workshop: Alcoholism: Disease of Generations – Recognition, Treatment & Support from 2 pm to 4 pm on Tuesday, 6/7/23. Registration and networking 1:30-2 pm Location: Amherst Senior Center 370 John James Audubon Pkwy, Buffalo, NY 14228 Speakers are Dr. Ken Leonard from the UB Institute of Addictions for an Overview on the Topic (30 minutes speaking + 10 minutes Q&A) Matthew Turcotte from AA’s Professional Community Committee (20 minutes speaking + 10 minutes Q&A) Sara Hedden, Esq. from Center for Elder Law & Justice on their Kinship Program (20 minutes speaking + 10 minutes Q&A)
- PIC Report: Ann
- The Google Ad campaign is going well, and we have some initial data showing 184 clicks in the first month. Funding is set through October so far. Reaching out to all A.A. entities for contributions to keep the campaign going.
- We are continuing to distribute literature at UB and Buff State through the end of the semester. We are planning on returning next semester.
- The Salvation army is holding a health fair and there will be a PI table with staff from 2-4 and hopefully additional staff from 11-2, looking for volunteers.
- Web chair Report: Genie
- Meeting minutes have been added to the site and Genie will add Nichol City Church to our places of Worship.
- We are still looking for our personal stories to add to the site.
- Place of Worship distribution Sub-Committee report: Katie
A literature rack has been set up at Kenmore Baptist and Katie plans to get one to Nichol City Church as well. (Ann mentioned she has some available.
- GSR Ed Report: Amy
Virtual Coffee Hours continue and are well attended and informative.
Next Coffee Hour: Monday, June 5 @ 7pm
Old Business: Newsletter, see DCM Report (template attached)
New Business:
Discussion to form committee to prepare GSR’s to attend events like NERAASA and NYSIW.
We could discuss the GSR’s role and funding for those who may need assistance attending.
Nancy suggested asking the Area if they have developed a policy for reimbursing trusted servants.
The meeting was closed at 7:49 with the Responsibility Declaration.
Respectfully submitted by Amy Hardick, District 4 Secretary