District 4 March 2023 Meeting Agenda

District 4 – Virtual District Meeting

March 14, 2023 6:30 p.m.

Mtg. ID: 863 7353 3658

Password: 230403



1. Alt – Chair, Sue L calls the meeting to order. Unity Declaration: This we owe to AA’s future, to place our common welfare first. to keep our fellowship united. For on AA Unity depend our lives and the lives of those to come.

2. Secretary calls the role. Welcome Mike K, new GSR from Life Ahead group.

3. Secretary reads the minutes of the February District 4 meeting. See related post: https://district4.area50wny.org/district-4-february-2023-meeting-minutes/

4. Chair, Alt Chair report: * see below

5. Treasurer Report:

6. Accessibility report:

7. Archives Committee report:

8. CPC Report

9. PIC Report:

10. Webchair Report:

11. Place of Worship distribution Sub-Committee report

12. NERAASA – Andrew P

13. Old Business:

14. New Business:

15. Close Meeting. Responsibility Declaration: I am responsible. Whenever anyone, anywhere reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that I am Responsible.

* District 4 Monthly meeting DCM’s report

1. Assembly Seed Money – I haven’t spoken further with District 1 about hosting an upcoming Assembly. I will do that upon my return.

2. The Delegate has distributed a summary of the final Agenda Items. The summary is available at area50wny.org, under the Delegate’s Page. The password to access the protected files which contain confidential material is – area50. This page will be continuously updated. I suggest that you review the summary before the April 1 PreConference for yourself and also with your homegroup. Also, if you would like to participate at the Pre-Conference Assembly, contact me or Denise.

3. 12th Annual Archives breakfast is April 29, 2023. Tickets are $22.00 and will only be available by pre-sale. Contact Joe V V at (716) 465-9327 with any questions.

4. If you attended NERAASA, please submit all of you receipts to Nancy G, the current District 4 Treasurer for reimbursement.

5. The District continues to seek 100% participation by the groups in its district. Look for friends in non-participating groups and encourage them to stand for GSR.

6. NYSIW – July 28 – 20, 2023. James C, Chair of the Workshop, is looking for volunteers to help with the event. Please contact James at (716) 587-2903 or James.J.Conley@gmail.com if you would like to work on this important event.

7. Place of Worship and Law Enforcement Committees have received pamphlet racks and tear off sheets for distribution throughout the district. The Law Enforcement Pamphlet racks have been distributed.

8. We have been informed that Two Trustees have resigned from the General Service Board unexpectedly in the last 6 weeks. As a District Member, I think it is imperative to understand what this means for our Area and for AA as a whole. Home groups should be informed when making a donation to GSO. There isn’t much information regarding the resignations at this time. In the spirit of transparency, I am hopeful that we will learn more in the coming weeks. Would we like the Delegate to come to our April District meeting to provide us with information about these resignations and how they affect AA as a whole, not only in the USA and Canada but also the other 62 General Service Offices around the world that rely on New York’s direction? Please send me any questions that you or your group have and I will get them to Denise. In love of service, Sue B, DCM