District 4 – Virtual District Meeting
January 10, 2023
6:30 p.m.
Mtg. ID: 863 7353 3658
Password: 230403
Chair, Sue B, called the meeting to order at 6:30 with the Declaration of Unity.
Present: Sue B., Stephen G., Nancy G., Sue L., Genie., Katie L., Dave N., Anne, Chuck B., Amy H.
Reading of the minutes was waived.
1. Chair report: Sue B.
- Big Thanks to the Host Committee for the January 7 GSA. Report below.
- We have met many goals of the proposed vision for District 4:
- Making sure all groups have GSR’s
- Sue mentioned a few meetings to focus on: Daily Group Sundays @11am, Acceptance/Welcome Tues/Fri@10am, Life Ahead?T/Th, Surrender&Hope Sat@6:30
- Website-Genie’s report below
- New York State Information Workshop (NYSIW) will be hosted by our Area July 28-30. James C. is the Chair and would love some help on the many committees forming. His contact # is 716-587-2903.
- NERAASA is February 23-26. Albany, NY. GSR’s are encouraged to attend with reimbursement from the district which may encourage more to attend.
- Please remember the Accessibility Checklist and return to Becky the Chair.
- Banking-Chuck helped introduce two motions (attached) to create 3 signers on the account. Group decided to wait until we decide on rotating to the next treasurer or not.
- Andrew P and Katie L are co-chairing a committee to place pamphlets in places of worship.
- Sue L will be distributing literature to places of law enforcement throughout the district.
2. Treasurer Report: Nancy
- Treasury Balance is $1501.98 after GSA expenses which were $665.98. We will be asking the Area to reimburse us the amount then donating back to Area.
- Ann has been reimbursed for a one year membership to zoom $149.90. Group voted to reimburse her the full amount.
3. Accessibility report: NONE
4. CPC Report: Dave N.
- Matt T. is the Area Chair. They are working to carry the message to professionals. They meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month
- Dave has a copy of the CPC workbook
5. Archives Committee report: Joe B.
- We continue to welcome new members to our committee.
- We have lots of projects that need to be worked on in our repository.
- The display was present at the January assembly
- Archives breakfast will be on April 29th tickets are available for $22. Please call 716-465-9327 with questions or for tix
5. PIC Report: Anne
- The committee meets the 2nd Wed of each month
- Anne has been working with FLS digital to look into online ads on Google
- There is a list compiled of all school superintendents in the district so we can arrange drop off of materials or even look into speakers going in
- This semester the Buffalo State tables will be set up on T/Th 11-1 and always needs volunteers
- Anne has been cooperating closely with the Intergroup PIC at Buffalo and contacted NY-PENN as well
6. Web chair Report: Genie
- Genie took us on a tour of the website which has all kinds of new tools and looks terrific!
- We have interactive pages with links to district aa meetings as well as professionals and public institutions to contact like churches, schools, law enforcement agencies etc.
- Genie’s full report is attached
Area Service Committee Presentation: NONE
Old Business:
- Recap hosting January GSA -Nancy G and Sue L did a tremendous job and many helpers
stepped up. Of note are Jim C & Mike M who cooked and served a delicious lunch of taco salads.
Nancy reports that asking for help and allowing others to serve made things run smoothly
The assembly was very well attended above expected capacity, but we made things stretch
The group had decided to ask the Area for reimbursement and then donate funds back to Area
Nancy suggested offering “seed money” to other districts without the means to hold an event. Maybe ask JoAnn T. for suggestions. Maybe District 3?
New Business: NONE
Meeting closed at 8:17 with the Responsibility Declaration.
Respectfully submitted by Secretary, Amy H.
Web Chair Report
Resolution (Motions) for Bank Account Signers
Webchair Report for 01/10/2023
Each active page of the website was edited in some way.
- Added the GSA event announcement
- Added past meeting minutes and agendas, as available to me, chronologically from April 2022 to present with the newest on top
- Updated the “meetings” post to reflect current information
- Updated to reflect current information
- Added information about the GSR monthly coffee hour (a copy of the flyer)
- I was finally able to embed the actual google map with the pinned locations!
- Removed the old, static, satellite-view map
- Added a discussion feature where people can leave a comment if they have information to share about meetings/locations in our district
- Added a statement to clarify how to see information under each heading
- Added the old, static, satellite-view map to use as a reference
- Added a discussion feature where people can leave a comment if they have information to share about business locations in our district
- Added a blurb about the tear-off flyer and Ann’s PIC contact information if anyone wants to share flyers
- Updated to reflect current information
- Removed a corrupted file that replaced the paypal logo with a controversial message
- Added a new Paypal logo
- Added a blurb stating we also accept checks and how to contact Nancy for further info
- Note: the paypal and venmo icons are NOT links to the sites. A person will have to log into their account and then manually input the payment information
As always, please let me know if there are any other items or blogs you’d like to add or see added to the site. I can be reached at thebestisyettocomeaa@gmail.com
Respectfully submitted,
Genie E, Dist. 4 Webchair
District 4 Kenton
Address of Treasurer
Tonawanda, NY
District 4 Kenton met on February 14, 2023. The following resolution was adopted:
Motion: Upon motion duly made and seconded, It is hereby moved that, effective February 14, 2023, the address of District 4 KenTon be changed to Name, Address, NY zip.
Resolved: Effective February 14, 2023, the address of District 4 KenTon be changed to Name,address.
Motion: Upon motion duly made and seconded, it is hereby resolved that names of signers be and they hereby are authorized to sign individually on the District 4 KenTon bank account at Key Bank.
Resolved: That names of signersr be and they hereby are authorized to sign individually on the District 4 KenTon bank account at Key Bank.
Amy Hardick, Secretary
I hereby certify that the above Resolutions were adopted at a meeting of District 4 KenTon on February 14, 2023.
______________________________ Amy Hardick, Secretary