December 12, 2023, 6:30 p.m.
Chair, Sue B called the meeting to order with the Unity Declaration at 6:32 pm.
Present were: Sue B, Andrew P, Andrew S., Ann J, Genie E, Jill, John H, Katie L, Mary Jo, Pat S, Stephen G and Amy H.
Stephen moved to waive a reading of the November minutes, seconded by Ann.
DCM report: Sue B.
1. The Area Ad Hoc Inventory Committee is meeting virtually on December 20. Meeting ID – 812 0138 1467, Passcode 925034. If you want to provide input, you can attend the Committee meetings or contact the Committee Chair Brian B at p72treasurer@area50
2. Please send your reports to Amy H. and Katy L.
3. This has been a good panel. It has been a pleasure working with all of you. Keep up the good general service work, AA needs us to carry the message to the people who don’t know that AA exists.
In love of service, Sue B District 4, DCM Alt-DCM report:
Treasurer Report: Stephen G.
*See attached
PIC Report: Ann J
- The Committee has wrapped up the tables at the local colleges for the semester.
- Ann has been in contact with the social worker at North Tonawanda High School to let them know the committee is available to give presentations and bring resources.
- Ann attended the virtual CPC/PIC workshop given by GSO and found it very helpful and informative. Especially discussion on technology and other available resources.
- Ann reiterated that she is grateful to have served as the Chair of Area 50’s and District 4’s Public Information Committee.
Web Chair Report: Genie E.
- Obtained digital copy of October Newsletter from Steve. Updated the “Newsletter” page by deleting previous “my edit” version of July Newsletter and uploading PDF versions of October and July editions. DUH! I WAY overcomplicated it before!
- Posted GSO Survey Request
- Posted message from GSO regarding funding/budget
- Updated Contributions page to add Treasurer’s contact information
- Created additional pages: GSR Information, GSR Newsletter, Self Support, Home Group. Utilized dropdown menus and rearranged pages to add more content and create a better flow. D4 Newsletter and Share Your Story are now under the “Home” dropdown menu. Streamlined footer menu to include only the main pages. Added Reimbursement Policy to October minutes and to its own page. Added a link to
- May add a “newcomer” page but haven’t gotten that far yet. What does everyone think of that idea? If so, any ideas for content?
- I’m researching options for accepting online donations but anything other than Paypal and Venmo will charge a fee- an annual membership, plus transaction fees (typically around 2-3%). (we can’t use either of those due to complications with how they record the account holder info). There is a plug-in that offers a chance for the donor to offset the fee.
- Updated GSR info for Acceptance/Welcome (nor sure if I was previously informed but Annette let me know she is not interested in participating anymore),
- Added December Agenda
Respectfully submitted, Genie E
Old Business:
The district thanks Andrew and Katie for their efforts in contacting the places of worship within D4 and distributing literature.
New Business:
The new GSR Orientation Chair, Jen W. will be hosting the first GSR Virtual Coffee Hour on January 4th at 7pm. ALL are welcome and the coffee hours will be held the first Thursday of each month.
The coordinates are: 507 924 3980 password: area50gsr
The meeting was closed with the Responsibility Declaration at 7:28.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve District 4. I have joined a new home group and will be active in District 11.
Respectfully submitted by
Amy Hardick
D4 secretary