District 4 July 2022 Meeting Minutes

District 4 – Virtual District Meeting

July 12, 20226:30 p.m.

Mtg. ID: 863 7353 3658

Password: 230403



The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.

  1. The meeting opened with the Unity Declaration.
  2. Attendance was taken.
  3. Minutes of June District 4 meeting were approved as presented.
  4. The Chair gave her report on District activities since the June meeting. 5.
  5. The Treasurer reported that the balance in the Treasury is $1,257.69. Expenses were – $100.00 for Pizza for Day of Sharing; $300.00 to Sue L for Church rental. Donation: How It Works – $50.00.
  6. Archives Committee report is on page 2.
  7. There was no report from the Web Chair.
  8. Area 50 CPC Presentation: Matt T, Area 50 CPC Chair made a presentation on the role of CPC in General Service.
  9. Old Business: The Committee on Joint Days of Sharing with Districts 5,6 & 7 had no report.
  10. New Business: There was no new business.
  11. The meeting closed with the Responsibility Declaration: at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy R.,

P72, District 4, Secretary



Archives Report – WNY Archivist in process of being in serviced on how to go about digitally saving all of our records in many formats. Including CDs, Tapes both cassette and VSR, print documents. Once advised on how to carry out process it will be a huge un taking to carry out task. It will be done by members of committee and archivist.

Our committee has a couple work nights a month for committee to come together and carry out task. We needed to cancel twice bc of illness – family obligations and vacations of our committee.

Our Committee in process of planning Spaghetti lunch – Tentative date – Sunday, October 23, Week 8 of Bills schedule + bye week. Location will be at St. Andrew’s School Cafeteria location of Buffalo Central office. Lunch + speaker. Very successful last year. Please stay tuned.

Our pancake breakfast was successful bringing people together in May for a morning of food – fellowship + program. While our number of attendees was way up since Covid, profit was down because of cost. We feel It is important to have such events so we may be sustainable, raise awareness of our work + contribute to AA program as whole strengthening recovery and fellowship.

Be advised WNY Archives receives no funding from AA or Central Office. We preserve AA history in WNY all donations through our Pancake Breakfast 🥞🥞 + Spaghetti luncheon + donations from individual groups. We do have expenses including rent and equipment cost.

We are happy to go to group functions or group anniversaries. We also welcome new people on our archive committee.

(Respectfully submitted by J.J. Van Volkenburg, Archives Committee + from University Men’s Closed Discussion Group)

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